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holy, HOLY holy, my, @ holy my JHWH -- 1. ovviamente: tutti possono essere: ex-farisei, ex-massoni, ex-islamisti, ex-comunisti, ex-satanisti, ex-criminali --ANSWER -- 2. OVVIAMENTE, tu lo sai, io non progettato, di fare il male a nessuna delle tue creature preziose, --CONCLUSIONE --- 3. ovviamente, cadrà ogni menzogna, circa, tutte le criminali religioni, perché JHWH, tu devi essere amato, al di sopra di ogni cosa, e il prossimo (cioè, ogni essere umano) come noi stessi... quindi non: c'è violenza, che, può essere fatta, contro, la coscienza di un uomo virtuoso.

07/06/2013 [[06/07/2013 EGYPT, Islamist Nazi, sharia imperialism: worldwide caliphate, take revenge, for the deposition: of BITES, against: innocent Christians.]] Sinai, killed Coptic Orthodox priest. ]] EGYPT. Orthodox Coptic priest killed in Sinai. AsiaNews sources confirm the shooting. Fr Mina Abboud Haroan was killed by a group of armed men, probably Islamists. Cairo (AsiaNews) - A group of Islamist militants killed Mina Haroan Abboud, a 39-year-old Orthodox Coptic priest, in el-Arish, Sinai Peninsula. AsiaNews sources have confirmed the story. The murder took place today, in the early afternoon. A group of men, probably Islamic extremists, stepped out of a car and stopped the priest as he walked in the street. After shooting the clergyman at point blank, they fled. Fr Abboud was immediately taken to hospital but died a few hours later.

[[06/07/2013 EGYPT, Islamist Nazi, sharia imperialism: worldwide caliphate, take revenge, for the deposition: of BITES, against: innocent Christians.]] Meanwhile, tensions are rising across the country after yesterday's pro-Morsi demonstrations. Sources told AsiaNews that the Muslim Brotherhood is taking its revenge. Sinai, killed Coptic Orthodox priest. ]] In Cairo, people are fighting on rooftops, and Brotherhood members are hunting down young organisers of the 30 June mass rally."They are going house to house, pointing rifles and machineguns. They are attacking with all sorts of weapons," witnesses said.

CreationReal 1 week ago
[[06/07/2013 EGITTO, islamisti nazisti, si vendicano, per la deposizione di MORSI, contro cristiani innocenti.]] Sinai, ucciso sacerdote copto ortodosso. ]] Lo confermano fonti di AsiaNews. P. Mina Abboud Haroan è stato ucciso da un gruppo di uomini armati, probabilmente islamisti. Il Cairo (AsiaNews) - Al el- Arish, nel Sinai, un gruppo di militanti islamisti ha ucciso un giovane sacerdote copto ortodosso, Mina Abboud Haroan, 39 anni. La notizia è confermata da fonti di AsiaNews. L'omicidio è avvenuto nel primo pomeriggio di oggi. Un gruppo di uomini, probabilmente estremisti islamici, è sceso da un auto e ha bloccato il sacerdote mentre camminava per il quartiere. Una volta scesi hanno sparato a bruciapelo, per poi fuggire. L'uomo è stato portato subito in ospedale da alcune persone dov'è deceduto dopo poche ore.

CreationReal 1 week ago
[[06/07/2013 EGITTO, islamisti nazisti, si vendicano, per la deposizione di MORSI, contro cristiani innocenti.]] Sinai, ucciso sacerdote copto ortodosso. ]] Intanto, cresce la tensione in tutto il Paese dopo le manifestazioni pro-Morsi di ieri. Fonti di AsiaNews raccontano che i Fratelli Musulmani stanno consumando la loro vendetta. Al Cairo si combatte sui tetti. I Fratelli Musulmani danno la caccia ai giovani organizzatori della protesta del 30 giugno. Secondo alcuni testimoni i militanti "vanno casa per casa, li mirano con i fucili e con i mitragliatori. Attaccano con ogni tipo di armi".

CreationReal 1 week ago
ROMA, 7 LUGlio - Le caste: massoniche, oligarchiche italiane, complici del sistema bancario privato SpA, di Rotshchild FMI 666 NWO, 322, poteri occulti per new babylon tower. sono come un parassita, che, uccide l'organismo, che, lo ospita, indifferente, al fatto, che, così condannerà,anche, sé stesso. La lotta, contro, le caste è la vera lotta politica: sottrarre il potere, a chi lo esercita, per perpetuare, sé stesso e la propria, posizione di dominio. L'Italia è una foresta, pietrificata, dove nulla deve cambiare. Lo afferma Beppe Grillo.

CreationReal 1 week ago
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa @CIA 666 pharisee cannibal IMF 322 NWO --- Now, will you (and your entire kingdom of shit for Satan) to have many PROBLEM if still dirty this page lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento

CreationReal 1 week ago
ROMA, 7 LUGlio - Le caste: massoniche, oligarchiche italiane, complici del sistema bancario privato SpA, di Rotshchild FMI 666 NWO, 322, poteri occulti per new babylon tower. sono come un parassita, che, uccide l'organismo, che, lo ospita, indifferente, al fatto, che, così condannerà,anche, sé stesso. La lotta, contro, le caste è la vera lotta politica: sottrarre il potere, a chi lo esercita, per perpetuare, sé stesso e la propria, posizione di dominio. L'Italia è una foresta, pietrificata, dove nulla deve cambiare. Lo afferma Beppe Grillo.

CreationReal 1 week ago
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento 2 ore fa @CIA 666 pharisee cannibal IMF 322 NWO --- Now, will you (and your entire kingdom of shit for Satan) to have many PROBLEM if still dirty this page lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento

CreationReal 1 week ago
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] [message to humanity, the book of remembrance p.261] [without: the foundation of natural law, represented: by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms, to take, control of the company, society, nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie, only from my own: the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme, by criminals, legalized, institutionalized, is: always the same: 1. militarism, 2. oppression, 3. violence, 4. crime place: in a legal manner] here's how: also, the noblest of men, Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken, "with swords and staves," and he had to endure, a show trial, even, even, for the crime of the highest levels of: authority: whether religious, that policies (which they should represent, the justice). [Is evident, as the evil that: is: always been present: in the world, it was worse: by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,

CreationReal 1 week ago
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance], which is a refined form of hypocrisy, because, from: their foundation: the Bank of England, (they stole to all peoples: the monetary sovereignty) then take control: of: institutions, through : their occult powers: Masonic associations, corporations, all monopolies, Bildenberg, etc. ..] to be directly involved, in their agenda: NWO, for, world wars, related Shoah. So, not only that, there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such, but, the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking, against the majority of the people. the real crime: it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system), an example is represented, from playing the stock exchange, raising and lowering certain values ​​artificially industrial and commercial: speculation.

CreationReal 1 week ago
[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital, adding, injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are, not, thieves and murders of the road, but, in the system of legalized "bags", financial and commercial, with speculation kill more people than all of ... however, these ideological murderers, enjoy respect and a good reputation, and have big, worldly honors, but, they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer, to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars, debts, inflations, depression, unemployment, unfair competition, etc. .. because this is the result: an IMF, which is a: private SPA, for, the impotence of the state: and its not efficient governance

CreationReal 1 month ago
[[weil Rothschild, Pharisäer, Islamisten, Bush Kerry Merkel Obama Zapatero, Emma Bonino, Bildenberg:? Berechtigungen hat: dies: Agenten des Satans zu existieren]] ... IWF-NWO. youtube-Master: 187AUDIOHOSTEM: er sagte, Abu Antar: [Agenten des Satans, euch zu jagen, und du triffst] 187AUDIOHOSTEM sagte: "دم .." - - ANTWORT: Wer hat das erlaubt: 666 Monster, um "Agenten Satan" zu haben? [[Translate [] google].] Hat Block: mein ADSL - ANTWORT - Wer kann MONSTERS geben, "Agenten des Satans" zu haben? [[Translate [.] Google]] hat in meinem ADSL sperren .. Benjamin Netanyahu - sind völlig abgeschnitten, meine Artikel, die von allen Suchmaschinen .. und dies für das Überleben der menschlichen Rasse, ist gefährlicher: die iranische Atomfrage!

CreationReal 1 month ago
[[çünkü, Rothschild, Ferisiler, İslamcılar, Bush Kerry Merkel Obama Zapatero, Emma Bonino, Bildenberg:? izinlerine sahip: bu: var olma şeytanın ajanları]] ... IMF-NWO. youtube ana: 187AUDIOHOSTEM: [Şeytan ajanları sizi takip ve çürük eder] 187AUDIOHOSTEM söyledi: O, Ebu Antar dedi "دم .." "Ajanları Şeytan" için, 666 canavarlar: - - CEVAP kim izin verdi? [[Çeviri [] google].] Blok var: ADSL - CEVAP - "Şeytan ajanları" olması, MONSTERS verebilir? [[Çeviri [.] Google]] ADSL kilitlemek için vardır .. Benjamin Netanyahu - tamamen tüm arama motorları tarafından, benim makaleler kesilir .. ve bu, insan ırkının hayatta kalmak için, daha tehlikelidir: İran nükleer sorunu!

CreationReal 1 month ago
[[parce que, Rothschild, pharisiens, les islamistes, Bush Kerry Merkel Obama Zapatero, Emma Bonino, Bildenberg:? dispose des autorisations: à ceci: les agents de Satan à exister]] ... FMI-NWO. youtube maître: 187AUDIOHOSTEM: il a dit, Abu Antar: [agents de Satan qui vous poursuit et vous écrasera] 187AUDIOHOSTEM dit: "دم .." - RÉPONSE - Qui a permis à celle-ci: 666 monstres, d'avoir "agents Satan»? [[Traduire [] google].] A bloc: mon ADSL - RÉPONSE - Qui peut donner MONSTERS, d'avoir des «agents de Satan"? [[Traduire [.] Google]] a pour verrouiller mon ADSL .. Benjamin Netanyahu - sont complètement coupé, mes articles, par tous les moteurs de recherche .. et ce, pour la survie de la race humaine, est plus dangereuse: la question nucléaire iranienne!

CreationReal 1 month ago
[[because, Rothschild, Pharisees, Islamists, Bush Kerry Merkel Obama Zapatero, Emma Bonino, Bildenberg:? has permissions: to this: agents of Satan to exist]] ... IMF-NWO. youtube master: 187AUDIOHOSTEM: he said, Abu Antar: [agents of Satan chasing you, and you shall bruise] 187AUDIOHOSTEM said: "دم .." - ANSWER - Who has allowed this: 666 monsters, to have "agents Satan "? [[Translate [] google].] Has block: my ADSL - ANSWER - Who can give MONSTERS, to have "agents of Satan"? [[Translate [.] Google]] has to lock in my ADSL .. Benjamin Netanyahu - are completely cut off, my articles, by all the search engines .. and this, for the survival of the human race, is more dangerous: the Iranian nuclear issue!

CreationReal 1 month ago
[[perché, Bush Kerry Merkel Obama Zapatero, Emma Bonino, Bildenberg:? ha permesso: agli agenti di Satana: di esistere]] ... FMI-NWO. youtube maestro: 187AUDIOHOSTEM: ha detto, Abu Antar: [agenti di Satana caccia te, e ti schiaccerà] 187AUDIOHOSTEM ha detto: " دم .. "- RISPOSTA - Chi, ha permesso a questo: 666 mostri, di avere "gli agenti di satana"? [[Translate [] google].] ha bloccato: la mia ADSL - RISPOSTA - Chi può dare ai MOSTRI, di avere "gli agenti di satana"? [[Translate [.] google]] ha fare blocco nella mia ADSL .. Benjamin Netanyahu - sono completamente tagliati fuori, i miei articoli, da tutti i motori di ricerca .. e questo, per la sopravvivenza della razza umana, è più pericoloso: la questione nucleare iraniana!

CreationReal 1 month ago
IMF-NWO. youtube master: 187AUDIOHOSTEM said 32 minutes ago: Abu Antar: [Satan's Agents Will Hunt You Down And Crush You] 187AUDIOHOSTEM said: 43 minutes ago دم .. - ANSWER - WHO IS PERMITTED TO MONSTERS, to have "satan's agents"? [[translate [.] google]] has stuck in my ADSL - ANSWER - WHO IS PERMITTED TO MONSTERS, to have "satan's agents"? [[translate [.] google]] has do block in my ADSL .. Benjamin Netanyahu - have completely cut off, my articles, by all the search engines .. and this, for the survival of the human race, is more dangerous: the Iranian nuclear issue!

CreationReal 1 month ago
[[ All marked by the cross, or mark of the beast? My children, the Commandments given to Moses for mankind must be followed, for when you break one, you break them all.]] "My children, all have been marked now by the cross or by the mark of the beast. My children, the Eternal Father now has tallied the score upon mankind. "In the days ahead now left for the redemption of your world, great trial shall come upon mankind. Your values, your morals must be restored, restored in a manner pleasing to the Eternal Father, your God. He does not judge by the manner of mankind. The ways of the Eternal Father are far beyond the understanding of mankind. "I shall not go into a long discourse over the evils, over again and over again. I counsel you against the evils in the world now. These evils are so gross in debasity that only Lucifer could have conceived them. But I shall repeat as your Mother: there is no excuse—there is no rationalizing of sin.

CreationReal 1 month ago
/bayside/messages/bm790804 ... Homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality... "Homosexuality is a sin that condemns to hell! Lesbianism means eternal damnation and banishment! Bestiality is the most foul and heinous of crimes in the eyes of the Eternal Father. There shall be no scientific excuse given! For each and every one of you in mankind's reign shall stand before the Eternal Father to be judged when you die upon earth, when you leave your body. And what excuse will you give to Him if you do not repent now of your sin? Do penance! His heart is all forgiving if you will do penance! --answer -- non ha importanza se tu credi in Dio, o se credi in queste rivelazioni, quello che è importante è che tu devi credere in me: io sono Unius REI

CreationReal 1 month ago
/bayside/messages/bm790804 ... Homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality... "The words of the warnings from Heaven, the messages, are going throughout the world. When the end comes—and I do not mean the end of the world; I mean the great Chastisement—each and every man and woman of the age with conscience shall have heard the word and made his choice. "My children of light, you will continue. Do not become prideful and slacken your pace or think that your work has been finished. You shall continue working ceaselessly until the great Chastisement. For those who have received great graces from Heaven much is expected of them. And O for the man who, through pride or covetness rejects these graces! I say unto him, he has lost the key to the Kingdom. --answer -- non ha importanza se tu credi in Dio, o se credi in queste rivelazioni, quello che è importante è che tu devi credere in me: io sono Unius REI

CreationReal 1 month ago
Benjamin Netanyahu -- quando avranno fatto iniziare la guerra mondiale? e questo può avvenire in qualsiasi momento, poi, le tue armi atomiche, non ti serviranno più a niente! ma, la Sharia, e la forzata islamizzazione: di tutta la Lega ARABA, sono già in se stessi, una pistola fumante, puntata alla tua testa! Il tuo vero nemico è Rothschild, e tu non hai strumenti per poterlo gestire! ecco perché, quando, tu farai il tuo attacco nucleare: contro: i Paesi islamisti, allora, sarà sempre troppo tardi!

CreationReal 1 month ago
ANKARA, 8 GIUgno - La polizia turca ha arrestato: cinque manifestanti: a Adana accusati di avere organizzato le proteste degli ultimi giorni con messaggi su Twitter e Facebook, riferisce la tv privata Ntv. Altri 34 manifestanti erano stati arrestati: a: Smirne martedì, per dei messaggi: su twitter. Secondo Ntv altre sette persone: sono ricercate a Adana. L'arresto dei 34 giovani: di: Smirne, per lo più sotto: i 20 anni, aveva suscitato: forti proteste: in Turchia e all'estero. --ANSWER -- ERDOGAN mostra: tutto il Nazismo occulto della NATO! è CIA NATO, sono il complotto per disintegrare: Israele, infatti, lol. Obama è un Islamista, in occulto, per il Califfato mondiale,.. no, veramente?, Obama è tutto quello: che: Rothschild gli dice di essere.. gli Israeliani non hanno più un futuro, soltanto perché, loro sono troppo educati: per usare le armi atomiche, contro: la LEGA ARABA

CreationReal 1 month ago
ROMA - Larry Page e Mark Zuckerberg respingono le accuse secondo le quali anche Google e Facebook avrebbero partecipato a Prism, il programma segreto per il controllo del web ad opera della National Security Agency. a far esplodere lo scandalo che ha investito l'amministrazione di Barack Obama The Guardian che ha pubblicato un'ordinanza segreta che costringerebbe Verizon a consegnare dati alla National Security Agency. --ANSWER -- MA, Larry Page e Mark Zuckerberg, cosa sanno loro, di come i poteri occulti: (per l'intelligenza artificiale) possono usare i loro server? loro ne sanno molto meno di me!

CreationReal 1 month ago
187AUDIOHOSTEM 187AUDIOHOSTEM ha pubblicato un commento 22 minuti fa [Quite impolitely they sometimes invite themselves to meals] [Their Activity Being The Too-Rapid Disappearance Of The Food And Drink] @187AUDIOHOSTEM 666 IMF-NWO -- io ho molti vantaggi: su di te: io sono superiore: a te, da molti: punti di vista, ma, c'è una cosa, che, ti impazzire: "io conosco il futuro, e tu no!" -- ANSWER -- ma, anche se tu non conosci il futuro? tu sai nel tuo cuore, con assoluta certezza: "tu non potrai mai vincere, contro, di me".. mi dispiace per il tuo Bush senior, ma, lui non vincerà

CreationReal 1 month ago
new HOLOCAUST: jews ALERT AND WARNING! What if dear ole Adolf Hitler had this at his disposal? He could have located every Jewish man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth and succeeded in eliminating 'his controllers' perceived enemy - the Jew! Wake up CJC, ADL! This is your future holocaust being flaunted in your face... this time however the Jew may not stand alone in the horrors of the elimination.. but all humans refusing to bow to corporate slavery. This time you will not be able to defend yourself, barred from use of your weapon electronically. You will not be able to hide in the attics, or even run.. Your car is tagged electronically and so is your person. This will be your electronic 'tatoo.' Do you really believe 'it could never happen again?" Are you ready for electronically enforced racial purity- cleansing? Do you really think the Clinton's, the Bush's, the Blairs, the Queens, of this world are here to protect you from this possiblity? NO! they are not.

CreationReal 1 month ago
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - just to you, put it, something, RFID, in your head, without, your consent .. Our security our future stands at a great precipice, the Pharisees IMF, of Satan, for do shoah against Israel, have control 666 IHateNEWLAYOUT Obama system Bildenberg IMF-NWO. --- not to smudge the page with your bullshit, you will not be able to save: your Satan in this way! -- non sporcare la pagina: con le tue stronzate, tu non riuscirai a salvare: il tuo satana in questo modo!

CreationReal 1 month ago
@ IHateNEWLAYOUT - just to you, put it, something, RFID, in your head, without, your consent .. Our security our future stands at a great precipice, the Pharisees IMF, of Satan, for do shoah against Israel, have control

CreationReal 1 month ago
RFID come Verichip 666 [Copyright © tldm . org] Skin-mounted electronics have many biomedical applications, including EEG and EMG sensors to monitor nerve and muscle activity. "If we want to understand brain function in a natural environment, that's completely incompatible with EEG studies in a laboratory," said Coleman, now a professor at the University of California at San Diego. "The best way to do this is to record neural signals in natural settings, with devices that are invisible to the user.". "The vision is to exploit these concepts in systems that have self-contained, integrated functionality, perhaps ultimately working in a therapeutic fashion with closed feedback control based on integrated sensors, in a coordinated manner with the body itself," Rogers said. --ANSWER -- BUT, Bible says those who take the 666 Microchip will receive the Wrath of God... tldm . org /bible/bible . htm

CreationReal 1 month ago
RFID come Verichip 666 [Copyright © tldm . org] And another, a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark upon his forehead or upon his hand, he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured unmixed into the cup of his wrath; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the sight of the holy angels and n the sight of the Lamb. Apocalypse 14:9-10 Confraternity Edition Bible 1941. University of Illinois reported on August 11, 2011: Engineers have developed a device platform that combines electronic components for sensing, medical diagnostics, communications and human-machine interfaces, all on an ultrathin skin-like patch that mounts directly onto the skin with the ease, flexibility and comfort of a temporary tattoo. -- ANSWER -- gli Americani sono sotto il controllo di demoni e di satanisti

CreationReal 1 month ago
RFID come Verichip 666 [Copyright © tldm . org] As approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is an "implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information." Eventually everyone will be implanted with a chip. The Technology for the Mark of the Beast is Here Now - Smart Skin... And it will cause all, the small and the great, and the poor, and the free and the bond to have a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and it will bring it about that no one may be able to buy or sell, except him who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of its name. Apocalypse 13:16-17 Confraternity Edition Bible 1941 -- ANSWER -- allora, i dittatori, (massoni bildenberg farisei) che fingono: dietro la FALSA, democrazia americana, sono i complici dei demoni, sono i SATANISTI, i traditori: di tutto il genere umano.. questo è importante: per noi: attraverso: il RFID, di dimostrare scientificamente: la esistenza dei demoni

CreationReal 1 month ago
RFID come Verichip 666 [Copyright © tldm . org] These Last Days News - February 13, 2013 Will the Mandatory Microchip in Obamacare End Up Being the Mark of the Beast? On March 23, 2013 the microchip in the Affordable Care Act of 2010 will become mandatory. There's a pretty startling thing in the bill that 95% of Americans won't like. Obama Care has a microchip implant for you... The Obama Health care bill includes (under Class II, Paragraph 1, Section B) "(ii) a class II device that is implantable". Then on page 1004 it describes what the term "data" means in paragraph 1, section B: -- answer -- MA, noi possiamo dire, che, mettere: in un millimetro quadrato, un ricetrasmettitore satellitare: è una tecnologia umana? Certo, gli alieni sono terrestri, sono i demoni: che: sono sempre stati: in mezzo a noi, a loro i farisei Illuminati: hanno dato: un corpo geneticamente modificato: da poter essere abitato!

CreationReal 1 month ago
Becchi (M5S): 'Viviamo un colpo di Stato permanente', Sul blog di Grillo il filosofo vicino ai Cinque Stelle parla di 'fine della democrazia'... [ma, non parla della causa di tutto questo, che è: il signoraggio bancario] 08 giugno, 12:30 --ANSWER -- CON la morte dell'ultimo vero Presidente: degli Stati Uniti, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, che: con l'ordine eecutivo 11110, cercò di liberare il popolo: dalla tirannia bancario massonica dei farisei Illuminati, di private: Rothschild, Rochefeller, ecc.. Società per azioni (S.p.A.):FED, ECB, IMF, noi viviamo: in una congiura massonica permanente! ed il vero obiettivo: di tutto questo: non è la conquista del mondo, ma, sollevare l'era di satana, affinché, satana sia tutto in tutti, che: è il vero obiettivo del NWO. cioè, la riduzione in schiavitù: del mondo degli uomini

CreationReal 1 month ago
KIEV, 7 de junio - A pecho descubierto y la celebración de las cintas en lugar de: gimnasia artística gritando'' Putin, te amo!''. por lo que algunos activistas del grupo feminista Femen: se manifestaron frente a la embajada de Rusia: en Kiev: donde dice: el divorcio entre el presidente ruso: su esposa tras 30 años de matrimonio. Las cintas de la gimnasia artística esgrimidos: desde Femen: son una referencia al ex campeón olímpico: de: gimnasia rítmica, Alina Kabaieva que: de acuerdo a los rumores que: ya: dados dos hijos a Putin. - RESPUESTA - @ masones, fariseos, Bildenberg - esto es pura maldad! será castigado, porque: Putin está bajo mi protección .. De hecho, Putin reconoce la identidad cristiana: del pueblo ruso, que: ha profanado profanado, estás destruyendo: la identidad de los pueblos europeos, para toda la raza humana, un rebaño de esclavos, que son satanistas Rothschild

CreationReal 1 month ago
KIEW, June 7 - Eine Brust nackt und hält von Bändern: für: Kunstturnen schreien'' Putin, ich liebe dich!''. so, dass einige Aktivisten der feministischen Gruppe: Femen: demonstrierten vor der russischen Botschaft: in Kiew: für: die Scheidung des russischen Präsidenten: seine Frau nach 30 Jahren Ehe. Die Bänder für die Kunstturnen schwang: von Femen: sie sind ein Verweis auf den ehemaligen Olympiasieger: von: Rhythmische Sportgymnastik, Alina Kabaieva dass Gerüchten zufolge würde: bereits: zwei Söhne Putin gegeben. - ANTWORT - @ Masons, Pharisäer, Bildenberg - das ist das pure Böse! Sie werden bestraft, weil: Putin ist unter meinem Schutz .. In der Tat, die christliche Identität Putin erkennt: das russische Volk, dass: Sie haben entweiht geschändet, Sie zerstören: die Identität der europäischen Völker, um die ganze Menschheit, eine Herde von Sklaven zu machen, sind Sie Satanisten Rothschild

CreationReal 1 month ago
KIEV, 7 Juin - A la poitrine nue et la tenue des bandes: pour: gymnastique artistique en criant'' Poutine, je vous aime!''. de sorte que certains activistes du groupe féministe Femen: ont manifesté devant l'ambassade de Russie: à Kiev: pour: le divorce du président russe: sa femme après 30 ans de mariage. Les bandes pour la gymnastique artistique brandis: de Femen: elles sont une référence à l'ancien champion olympique: de: gymnastique rythmique, Alina Kabaieva que: selon les rumeurs serait: déjà: étant donné deux fils à Poutine. - RÉPONSE - @ maçons, pharisiens, Bildenberg - ce qui est mal pur! vous serez punis, parce que: Poutine est sous ma protection .. En fait, Poutine reconnaît l'identité chrétienne: le peuple russe, que: vous avez profané profané, vous détruisez: l'identité des peuples européens, pour faire toute la race humaine, un troupeau d'esclaves, vous êtes satanistes Rothschild

CreationReal 1 month ago
KIEV, June 7 - A breast naked and holding of tapes: for: artistic gymnastics shouting'' Putin, I love you!''. so, that some activists of the feminist group: Femen: demonstrated in front of the Russian embassy: in Kiev: for: the divorce of Russian President: his wife after 30 years of marriage. The tapes for the artistic gymnastics brandished: from Femen: they are a reference to the former Olympic champion: of: rhythmic gymnastics, Alina Kabaieva that: according to rumors would: already: given two sons to Putin. - ANSWER - @ Masons, Pharisees, Bildenberg - this is pure evil! you will be punished, because: Putin is under my protection .. In fact, Putin recognizes the Christian identity: of the Russian people, that: you have profaned desecrated, you are destroying: the identity of European peoples, to make the whole human race, a herd of slaves, you are Satanists Rothschild

CreationReal 1 month ago
KIEV, 7 GIU - A seno nudo: e con in mano dei nastri: per: la ginnastica artistica gridando ''Putin, ti amo!''. è così, che, alcune attiviste del gruppo femminista: Femen: hanno manifestato davanti all'ambasciata russa: a Kiev: per: il divorzio del presidente russo: dalla moglie dopo: 30 anni di matrimonio. I nastri per la ginnastica artistica branditi: dalle Femen: sono un riferimento all'ex campionessa olimpica: di: ginnastica ritmica, Alina Kabaieva, che: secondo indiscrezioni avrebbe: già: dato due figli a Putin. -- ANSWER -- @massoni, farisei, bildenberg -- questa è pura cattiveria! voi sarete puniti, perché: Putin è sotto la mia protezione.. infatti, Putin riconosce la identità cristiana: del popolo Russo, che: voi avete dissacrato profanato, voi state distruggento la identità dei popoli europei, per fare di tutto il genere umano, un branco di schiavi: voi siete i satanisti di Rothschild

CreationReal 1 month ago
obviously, we do not have the technology to put: a computer (satellite transmitter) in a square millimeter, then, is an engineering alien, that is, not, a reverse-engineered, but, only, a engineering that only the Alieni can produce, on an industrial scale, for you IMF-NWO De toute évidence, nous n'avons pas la technologie pour mettre: un ordinateur (émetteur satellite) dans un millimètre carré, alors, est un étranger de génie, c'est pas une ingénierie inverse, mais, seulement, un génie qui ne le Alieni peut produire, à l'échelle industrielle, pour vous FMI-NWO ovviamente, noi non abbiamo la tecnologia, per mettere: un computer (trasmettitore satellitare): in un millimetro quadrato, quindi, è una ingegneria aliena, cioè, non, una retro-ingegneria, ma, soltanto, una ingegneria, che, solo gli alieni possono produrre, in scala industriale, per voi FMI-NWO

CreationReal 1 month ago
187AUDIOHOSTEM 666 - vous faites partie: l': grand frère, l'œil qui voit tout de Lucifer, le NWO, c'est la lutte mondiale contre 666, la nouvelle tour de Babylone, qui échappe à la gestion des gouvernements, parce que chaque conseil, peut avoir une puce , de: a: "millimètre carré" de communiquer directement avec des images et des sons à vos satellites - you're part: the: big brother, the all-seeing eye of Lucifer, the NWO, that is, global control 666, new babylon tower, which escapes the management of governments, because each board, may have a chip, of: a: "square millimeter" to communicate directly with images and sounds to your satellites- tu sei parte: del grande fratello, l'occhio onniveggente di lucifero, il NWO, cioè, il controllo globale, che, sfugge alla gestione dei governi, perché, ogni scheda elettronica, può avere un cip, di un: "millimetro quadrato" per comunicare direttamente immagini e suoni ai tuoi satelliti

CreationReal 1 month ago
ANKARA, June 7 - Thousands of demonstrators: are back in Taksim Square in Istanbul, challenging Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that: last night returning from a mission in the Maghreb gave notice to the hundreds of thousands of people that: the challenged in the last 10 days:'' immediately'' to stop the protest. A Taksim have not been recorded, however, accidents since last Saturday, when the police was withdrawn. Riots took place instead in the last days in Ankara. - ANSWER - EIhhhh, Salafi terrorist Islamist ERDOGAN: I have found: a job suitable for you: [A.Saudita: lack Executioner professionals. This was written by AsiaNews. Hypothesis shooting in place beheading] after all: I am not think, that, you will find a shopping center, available to build, over the corpses, that, you wanted .. there are no more: the happy times:of the Armenian genocide

CreationReal 1 month ago
ANKARA, 7 GIU - Migliaia di manifestanti: sono tornati in Piazza Taksim, a Istanbul, sfidando il premier: Recep Tayyip Erdogan: che: la notte scorsa al rientro da una missione nel Maghreb ha intimato alle centinaia di migliaia di persone: che: lo hanno contestato: negli ultimi 10 giorni: di interrompere ''immediatamente'' la protesta. A Taksim non sono più stati registrati, peraltro, incidenti da sabato scorso, quando la polizia è stata ritirata. Scontri si sono verificati invece negli ultimi giorni ad Ankara. -- ANSWER -- EIhhhh, islamista salafita ERDOGAN: io ho trovato: un lavoro: adatto per te: [A.Saudita: mancano boia professionisti. Lo scrive Asianews. Ipotesi fucilazione a posto decapitazione ] dopo tutto: io non: credo, che, tu troverai un centro commerciale, disponibile a costruire, sui cadaveri che, tu hai voluto.. non ci sono più: i tempi felici: del genocidio degli armeni

CreationReal 1 month ago
ROME, June 7 -'' The declarations of Beppe Grillo, decomposed, and offensive, they tend to strike back: Parliament: and: then: democracy. They're bad: for the country, for its image abroad, for: those who work: to renew the institutions by making them more simple, efficient and transparent, and for the same members, the group M5S''. He says Laura Boldrini. - ANSWER - this is all wrong, did not make any sense! you can not repair: the hull of a ship: infracidita, we must have the courage to: look at the mother of all problems: that is, seigniorage banking: that, Masons have stolen: against, the Constitution .. you can not ask, to a Pharisee, to do you good, now, that, 1. him, always has been, a slave trader, 2. which, he believes, you are animals in human form, ie talmud

CreationReal 1 month ago
ROMA, 7 GIU - ''Le dichiarazioni di Beppe Grillo, scomposte e offensive, tendono di nuovo a colpire: il Parlamento: e: quindi: la democrazia. Sono dannose: per il paese, per la sua immagine all'estero, per: chi lavora: a rinnovare le istituzioni rendendole più sobrie, efficaci e trasparenti, e per gli stessi deputati, del gruppo M5S''. Lo dice Laura Boldrini. -- ANSWER -- questo è tutto sbagliato, non ha senso tutto questo! non si può riparare: lo scafo di una nave: infracidita, bisogna avere il coraggio: di: guardare alla madre: di tutti i problemi: cioè, il signoraggio bancario: che, i massoni hanno rubato: alla Costituzione.. non potete chiedere ad un fariseo, di fare a voi del bene, oggi, che, 1. lui: è sempre stato, un commerciante di schiavi, 2. che, crede che, voi siete animali dalla forma umana,

CreationReal 2 months ago
[Arab League] - resign, for sharia, jihad, dhimmi, Islamists worldwide caliphate etc. ..?. there not may be a future in the world, for all this! .. but, you can be alive: to be able to manage: all this transition .. because: if you die? then, only a lousy job, might be much done! then: please, do not do to kill yourself by me! I leave you the freedom of the reforms in the spirit of universal brotherhood, the secular state, freedom of religion ... the rest? I let it, do to you with confidence!

CreationReal 2 months ago
si! ovviamente, tutti gli ebrei del mondo, e tutti i Palestinesi del mondo: devono ritornare a casa, nel nostro Regno di Palestina, io sono Unius REI, e quello che io ho deciso? non può essere contestato! @ Rothschild 666 Pharisee racist Nazi and murderess: of Satanism international speaker - it's true: that: I will destroy Israel:of the Freemasons, but, it is also true: that: I can not betray any people, and therefore, I will never betray the Israelis .. because: I will raise up: the United Kingdom of Israel in Palestine, that is, the biblical project, that, you tried to destroy! because, your project is to make the whole human race, only one flock of slaves .. fuck you, I have not entered into Freemasonry as you would have wanted!

CreationReal 2 months ago
@ Israel - high treason:of the CIA-IMF-NWO, ie, Satanists, of google --- the block: "filter" in an article in the search engines, done through the filter of some letters elongated, of course, the spelling checker, immediately reveals , these anomalies- alto tradimento: dei satanisti Cia, di google --- il blocco: "filtro" di un articolo, nei motori di ricerca, avviene, attraverso, il filtro di alcune lettere allungate, ovviamente, il correttore ortografico, rivela subito, queste anomalie @youtube 666 google CIA IMF-NWO --- Stop spreading, your bullshit porn, perversion and Satanism, and block with your filters, to my article ..... you fucker google agents 666

CreationReal 2 months ago
@youtube 666 google CIA IMF-NWO --- Stop spreading, your bullshit porn, perversion and Satanism, and block with your filters, to my article ..... you fucker google agents 666. @ 이스라엘 - 반역죄 : 구글 유튜브, 666, 322, "왜 그들이 나를 죽이지 않았어요"바리새인 IMF-NWO의 나는 기사를 쓸 때, 미국에서 구글의 사탄 주의자는 모든 사이트에 입력하고 몇 글자의 서식을 변경할 수있는 능력을 가지고 같은 알래스카에서 그래서 통화 주권 등을 위해 그 품목 ....검색 엔진에서 제외됩니다, 내가 오랜 시간이 나타났습니다,​​하지만 지금은 이러한 것들을 rivelar 할 수 있도록, 시간입니다.

CreationReal 2 months ago
@ Israel - high treason: of the Pharisees IMF-NWO: google youtube, 666, 322, "why did not they kill me?" when, I write an article, is from Alaska, such as, from the U.S., the Satanists of Google have the power to enter into all the sites and change the formatting of a few letters, so those items that are for monetary sovereignty, etc. .. are excluded from the search engines, I've noticed this for a long time, but only now is the time, to be able to rivelar these things.

CreationReal 2 months ago
@ Israel - the Pharisees are the same family of Herod, who has made the slaughter of innocent children: in Bethlehem, according to: the prophecy of Micah 5:1-2. "And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, so small, to be among, the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one, that is to be ruler in Israel" That's why, I'm Unius REI: such as: every Christian biblical fundamentalist : born again, and then: since then, the Pharisees of IMF-NWO, are :the instigators, and: are: the real culprits of every Holocaust against, the Jews, and against: all peoples.

CreationReal 2 months ago
@Israel -- i farisei sono della stessa famiglia di Erode, che, ha fatto la strage dei bambini innocenti: a Betlemme, secondo: la profezia di Michea: 5,1-2. "E tu, Betlemme di Efrata, così piccola, per essere, fra, i capoluoghi di Giuda, da te mi uscirà colui, che, deve essere il dominatore in Israele" ecco perché, io sono Unius REI: come: ogni cristiano biblico fondamentalista: nato di nuovo; e quindi: da allora, i farisei del FMI-NWO, sono i veri mandanti, ed: i veri responsabili di ogni shoah, contro, gli ebrei e contro: tutti i popoli.

CreationReal 2 months ago
Abu sharia satanic Antar --- the first, children Rothschild Satan: IMF-NWO 666: Kabbalah, seeks to kill before everyone else? are: the Jewish children! and if I can not protect them as I could protect also, your? not be afraid!! I am from God, then, my first attempt with everyone? is the way of love! and if anyone, he wants to stay criminal?, then I can not be responsible for his downfall! Abu Antar charia satanique --- la première, les enfants Rothschild Satan: FMI-NWO 666: Kabbalah, cherche à tuer avant tout le monde? sont: les enfants juifs! et si je ne peux pas les protéger que je pouvais protéger aussi votre? .. n'ayez pas peur! Je suis de Dieu, alors, ma première tentative avec tout le monde? est le chemin de l'amour! et si quelqu'un, il veut rester criminel?, alors je ne peux pas être responsable de sa chute!

CreationReal 2 months ago
IIIIWotanIIII - go talk to, your: Satan: Hitler, the son of: Rothschild Pharisees beast 666 NWO - IMF, ECB FED, masonic system Bildenberg, for banking seigniorage! there is nothing that we can say outside of this page! IIIIWotanIIII - aller parler, votre: Satan: Hitler, le fils de: Rothschild pharisiens bête 666 NWO - FMI, BCE FED, maçonnique système Bildenberg, de seigneuriage bancaire! il n'y a rien que nous pouvons dire à l'extérieur de cette page! IIIIWotanIIII - gehen Sie sprechen, Ihr: Satan: Hitler, der Sohn: Rothschild Pharisäer Tier 666 NWO - IWF, EZB FED, Freimaurer System Bildenberg, für Banken seigniorage! es gibt nichts, was wir außerhalb von dieser Seite zu sagen! IIIIWotanIIII - Ve a hablar con, el: Satanás: Hitler, hijo de: Rothschild fariseos bestia 666 Nuevo Orden Mundial - FMI, BCE, FED, masónico sistema Bildenberg, por señoreaje bancario! no hay nada que podamos decir, fuera de esta página!

CreationReal 2 months ago
666 IIIIWotanIIII: NAZI CIA Satanist NATO Bildenberg IMF, ECB FED NWO. - Has posted a comment 6 minutes ago: "I pray 5 times a day" - ANSWER -- really? and what is your pray, to your nazi Hitler pharisees Rothschild god owl, Baal, Marduck at bohemian grove? be able to bring Jewish children to Auschwitz again? IIIIWotanIIII nazi Merkel 666 masonic system: IMF FED ECB NWO --- German cannibal, priest voodoo, you: you have a better brain of the monkey skull fuck, in your head: to make an argument: about: your last human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? tu cannibale tedesco: tu hai più cervello del tuo testa di cranio scimmia cazzo: per fare un ragionamento: circa: il tuo ultimo sacrificio umano: sull'altare di satana?

CreationReal 2 months ago
IIIWotanIIII nazi Merkel 666 Masonic system: IMF FED ECB EU NWO UN NATO 322, Bildenberg - Why do not you with: us, your Two hours of prayer, Those That You do before the orgy? Why not with you: we, the two hours of prayer, Those that you do before the orgy? Warum nicht mit du gehst: us, Ihr Zwei Stunden des Gebets, diejenigen, die Sie tun, bevor der Orgies? ¿Por qué no hace usted with: nosotros, sus dos horas de oración, los que hace the antes de la orgía? Pourquoi ne pas vous avec: Nous, tes deux heures de prière, avant ceux que vous faites the orgies? German cannibal, voodoo priest, you: you have a better brain of the monkey skull fuck, in your head: to make an argument: about: your last human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? German cannibal you: you have a better brain of the monkey skull fuck your head: to make an argument: about: your last human sacrifice on the altar of Satan?

CreationReal 2 months ago
IIIWotanIIII nazi Merkel 666 Masonic system: IMF FED ECB EU NWO UN NATO 322, Bildenberg - Why do not you with: us, your Two hours of prayer, Those that you do before the orgy? Perché non hai con: noi, le due ore di preghiera, Quelli che si fa prima l'orgia? Warum gehst du nicht mit: us, Ihr Zwei Stunden des Gebets, diejenigen, die Sie tun, bevor der Orgie?¿Por qué no hace usted con: nosotros, sus dos horas de oración, los que lo hace antes de la orgía? Pourquoi ne pas vous avec: Nous, tes deux heures de prière, ceux que vous faites avant l'orgie? German cannibal, priest voodoo, you: you have a better brain of the monkey skull fuck, in your head: to make an argument: about: your last human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? tu cannibale tedesco: tu hai più cervello del tuo testa di cranio scimmia cazzo: per fare un ragionamento: circa: il tuo ultimo sacrificio umano: sull'altare di satana?

CreationReal 2 months ago
Benghazi: car bomb exploded in the parking lot: a hospital: Al Jala hospital." Previously two stations: the police were attacked: immediately after the attack by two other districts: police last Friday. This was reported by the local council. The attacks are a further sign of instability: that: now reigns in Benghazi. The recent violence: against: diplomats, army and police includes: Also the attack: 11 September last year in which: killed the U.S. ambassador, Chris Stevens, and three other American citizens. The aim is: to "strengthen: Libya's capacity to fight: and defend himself against threats: of: Al Qaeda and its affiliates" - ANSWER - with your Sharia law: for: your worldwide caliphate, and for, dhimmi, ie, the extermination of diversity? you have ruined the world .. and now you will be punished! I'm tired of all the lies, your theater criminal of IMF-NWO, the Masonic system of banking seigniorage, for destroy Israel

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